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Preface 29 1. Introduction 39. What Is SAP Business Workflow 39. What Is SAP NetWeaver Business Process Management 42. How Does SAP Business Workflow Fit Into the SAP Overall Business Process Management Strategy 43.

In Which Business Situations Should I Use SAP Business Workflow 44. Factor 1: Human Involvement 45. Factor 2: Repetition 45. Factor 3: The Fruits of Success 46.

Factor 4: The Cost of Failure 48. What Can Be Achieved Using SAP Business Workflow 49. Features of SAP Business Workflow 49.

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Robust Integration into SAP Applications 50. Workflow Builder 50.

Graphical Status Visualization 51. Routing Mechanisms 52. Deadline/Escalation Management 53. Synchronization Management 53. Integration with Groupware Products 53.

Ad-hoc Process Enhancers 53. Desktop Integration 54.

Analytics with SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse 54. Robust Extensible Architecture 55.

Some Terminology 55 2. Requirements Gathering Strategy 57. Introduction 57. Understanding the Business Process 59. Business Drivers for the Process 59. Expected Benefits of Workflow 61. How Does the Process Work in Theory 63.

How Does the Process Work in Practice 63. Unions and Workers Councils 66. Gathering Object Data 66. What Data Is Needed by Workflow 67. Where to Look for Data 68. What Data Already Exists 68. Making the Most of the Data Collected 69.

Determining the Agents 72. Who Are Your Agents? Criteria for Finding Agents 74.

Determining Work Item Delivery Routes 77. Confirming the Workflow Design 78.

Workflow Administration 80. Planning for Production Start 80. Planning for Future Enhancements 81 3. Configuring the System 83. Quick Start: Configure the SAP Workflow Engine in Seconds 85.

Automatic Workflow Customizing 85. Specifics of Automatic Customizing 87. IMG Activities for Authorization Management 90.

Task-Specific Customizing 91. Maintaining the Organizational Plan 91.

Agent Assignment for Tasks 92. Activating the Triggering Events for a Workflow or a Task 92. Transport and Client Copy 92. Transport of Tasks 93. Transport of Settings for Tasks and Workflows 93. Transporting a Workflow Definition 93.

Customizing for the SAP Workflow Engine 94 4. Work Item Delivery 95. The Human Factor 95.

SAP Business Workplace 98. Work Item Text 99. Attachments 101.

Reserving and Replacing a Work Item 102. Executing a Work Item 103. Synchronous Dialog Chains 105. Forwarding a Work Item 106. Priority 107.

Resubmission 107. Rejecting Work Items 110. Substitution 111. Universal Worklist 111. Major Features of the Universal Worklist 112. Getting Started with the Universal Worklist 114.

Working with Tasks in the Universal Worklist 115. Personalization Options in the Universal Worklist 115. Customizing Options in the Universal Worklist 116.

Action Handlers in the Universal Worklist 117. UWL Configuration Wizard 118. Universal Worklist API and the SONiC Connector 120. Examples of Universal Worklist Customizing 121. How Can I Add/Remove Columns 122. How Can I Create Custom Columns 122. How Can I Make a Mandatory Rejection Memo 125.

Extended Notifications 125. Types of Notifications 125. Features of Extended Notifications 126. Configuration Required for Extended Notifications 127. Business Workflow Workplace 128.

External Users 130. Other Considerations 131 5. Understanding Agent Assignment 134. Possible Agents 135.

Responsible Agents 138. Excluded Agents 139. Recipients 140. Actual Agents 141. Assigning Multiple Agents per Work Item 142. Deadline and Notification Agents 143. Agent Assignment Using the Organizational Structure 144.

The Basic Organizational Plan 144. The Extended Organizational Plan 148. Doing Without an Organizational Plan 150. Agent Assignment Using Task Groups 150.

Implementing and Maintaining the Structure in Practice 151. Strategies for Organization Plan Maintenance 151. Transporting Organization Plans 153. Reassigning Work Items from One User to Another 154. Substituting Users 155. When Do You Choose to Refresh the Organizational Environment 157.

Training and Encouraging Agents 158 6. Workflow Administration 161.

Reporting on Workflows 162. Reporting on Workflow Progress 163. Reporting on Workflow Performance 164.

Work Items by Processing Duration 165. Work Items with Monitored Deadlines 166.

Reporting on Agent Behavior 166. Identifying and Justifying Potential Improvements 167.

Error Resolution 168. General Techniques for Resolving Runtime Errors 171. Basic Settings for Error Monitoring 171.

Finding and Fixing Work Items 172. Diagnosis of Workflows with Errors 172.

Work Item Selection 173. Work Item Frequency 175. Working with the Work Item Display 176. Work Item Display — Standard View 177. Work Item Display — Technical View 179.

How to Work with the Work Item Container Display 181. Working with the Workflow Log 182. User View 182. Technical View 185.

Resolving Agent Determination Errors 188. Fixing Work Items with No Agents or Wrong Agents 188. Preventing Agent Determination Problems from Recurring 191.

Support Tools for Agent Determination Problems 191. Resolving Buffering Errors 192. Fixing Work Items with Buffering Problems 193.

Preventing Buffering Problems from Recurring 194. Support Tools for Buffering Problems 194. Other Support Tools 195. Help Desk in the Intranet 196.

Web-Based Help Desks 196. Self Help 197. A Day in the Life of a Workflow Administrator 198. Who Should be the Workflow Administrator 199.

Who Makes the Business Decisions in the Event of Failure 201. Crisis Response 203. Day-to-Day Monitoring 205. Periodic Reality Checks 206.

Housekeeping and Archiving 208. Making the Most of a Precious Resource 209 7. Using SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse for SAP Business Workflow Reporting 211. SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse Basics for the Workflow Expert 212. Standard Workflow Analysis with SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse 214. Data Flow and Overview of Provided Content 215. Aggregation Layer 215.

InfoCube Aggregated Process Data 216. Using Standard BI Content 217 8. Creating a Workflow 221. Workflow Builder Basics 222. Look and Feel of the Workflow Builder 222. Building Your First Workflow 226. Saving, Activating, and Testing 229.

Enhancing Your Workflow 231. Deadline Monitoring 231.

How to Create and Use Tasks 234. Using Asynchronous Tasks 241. How to Access Data and Activities 243. Notifications 245. Basics of Containers and Bindings 246. How to Create Containers and Bindings for Tasks 247.

Creating Container Elements in the Workflow Container 247. Changing Container Elements 249.

What Other Step Types Exist 252. How to Insert New Steps 254. What Kinds of Outcomes Exist 256.

Which Task and Step Attributes Impact Work Item Execution 258. Documenting, Translating, Transporting, and Team Development 259.

Documenting Workflow Definitions 259. Translating a Workflow into Other Languages 260.

Transporting New Versions of a Workflow 260. How Do You Share Workflow Development Within a Team 261 9.

Advanced Workflow Design Techniques 263. Step Conditions 263. Step Condition: Create Work Item 265. Step Condition: Complete Work Item 265. Step Condition: Completion Execution 266. How to Implement Parallel Processing 267. How to Implement Table-Driven Dynamic Parallel Processing 268.

How to Implement a Fork 272. Reusing Workflows as Subworkflows 273. Modeled Deadlines 274. Notify Recipients Via Email That a Deadline Has Been Missed 275. Skip the Work Item If Deadline Has Been Missed 275.

Containers 276. Containers and Bindings in Depth 277.

Reimplementation of the Container 280. Binding Editor 282. Expressions 283. Blocks and Local Workflows 284.

Local Workflows as a Practical Example of Block Implementation 284. Local Workflows and Other SAP-Provided Example Workflows 285. When to Use Local Workflows Versus Subworkflows 285.

Ad-hoc Features and Review Workflows 286. Ad-Hoc Features to Change Workflows on the Fly 286. Review Workflows 287 10. Business Objects 289. Business Object Basics 291. Business Objects: Some Basic Terminology 293. Relationships Between Business Objects 294.

Business Object Tools 297. Viewing Existing Business Object Types 299. Creating Your Own Business Object Types 307. Creating New Business Objects 310. Extending Existing Object Types Via Delegation 312. Creating Business Object Type Components 313.

Adding an Interface 314. Creating Key Fields 314. Creating Attributes 315. Creating Methods 319. Creating Events 328. Business Object Type Programming 329. Key Fields and the Object Declaration 330.

Programming Attributes 332. Programming Methods 339. Some Useful Predefined Object Types 345. Object Type SELFITEM 345. Object Type WFTASK 346. Object Type SYSTEM 346. Object Type FORMABSENC 346. Download dvdfab crack.

Object Type USR01 346. Real-World Examples for Business Object Customizing 347. Custom Attribute 347.

Custom Method 349 11. ABAP Classes 353. ABAP Classes Basics 354. Why Use Classes 355. More Resources 357.

Comparing ABAP Classes and BOR Objects 358. Interfaces 358. Object Identification 359. Class/Component Level 360. Attributes 360. Utility Classes 361. Creating a Utility Class 362.

Component Visibility 364. Using a Utility Class in a Task 366.

Attributes 368. Functional Methods 370. Business Classes 374. Local Persistent Object Reference 376. Implementing FINDBYLPOR 379. Implementing LPOR 380.

Instantiating ABAP Class Objects 381. Alternate Ways to Instantiate Objects 383. Attributes 385. Attributes Versus Functional Methods 385. Exception Classes 387. Responding to Events 392. Raising Events 393.

Using BOR Objects in Classes 401. Recommendations and Advanced Topics 406. Performance and Instance Management 406. Persistent Classes 409. Class Design Considerations 410 12. Agent Determination Rules 413. Determining Agents Through Rule Resolution 414.

Rule Basics 415. Testing and Simulating Rules 417.

Rule to Locate the Plant Manager 417. Agent Determination Rule Resolution in the Workflow Step 420.

What Happens If Rule Resolution Has No Result 421. Responsibility Rules 423. Responsibility Rules with Multiple Criteria 423. Secondary Priorities 425. Agent Determination Using SAP Organizational Data 427. Function Modules as Rules 429. Creating a Rule Based on a Function Module 429.

Linking Rule Function Modules from Different SAP Components 431. Evaluation Paths as Rules 434. Other Options for Responsible Agent Assignment 437. Real-World Example of Agent Determination Rules 438 13. Using Events and Other Business Interfaces 441. Understanding Events 442. How to Know What Events Exist 444.

Look in the Object 444. Look in the Event Linkage Table 444. Remember to Turn the Trace Off When You Are Done 445. Defining Events 447. Raising Events from Business Applications 447. Raising Events Via Change Documents 449.

Raising Events Via Status Changes 451. Raising Events Via Message Control 453. Raising Events Via Changes to HR Master Data 454. Raising Events Via Business Transaction Events 455. Raising Events by Calling a Workflow API 457.

Using Events in Workflows 457. How to Use Events in Workflows 457. Triggering Events 458. Start Conditions for Workflows 462. Terminating Events 464. Workflow Header Events 467. Parked Events 468.

Event Queues 469. Generic Object Services 470. Starting Workflows Manually 471. Viewing the Logs of Related Workflows 473. Subscribe to an Object Instance 473. Sending an Email 473. Starting Workflows from Messages 474 14.

Failed To Complete Installation Sap Business One

Custom Programs 475. The Engine 475. Work Items 476.


Advanced Business Interface Techniques 488. When Should a Workflow with an Event Be Started 488. Raising Events by Calling a Function Module 489. Advanced Event Linkage 494.

Adding Generic Object Services to Your Own Transactions 497. Implementing the Workflow Toolbox in Your Own Transactions 498. Office Document Interfaces 499. Business Communications Services 500. SO.API1 function modules 500 15. Service-Enabling Workflows 501.

Workflow in the Context of a Business Process 501. Web Services and Service-Oriented Architecture 502. What Are Web Services 503. Web Services Description Language 503. Web Services and SOAP 505. Other Web Service Standards 506. What Is Service-Oriented Architecture 507.

SOA at SAP 510. Implementing the Service Interface for a Workflow 512. The Function Module 512. Service-Enabling in the Application (Inside-Out Approach) 513.

Service Enabling from the Enterprise Services Repository (Outside-In Approach) 520 16. Advanced Diagnostics 535. The Tools of the Trade 535. The Diagnosis Logs 537. The Workflow Log 537. The Diagnosis Transaction 538.

The Event Trace 540. The RFC Log 542. Debugging with the ABAP Debugger 543.

The Workflow Trace 545. When to Use the Workflow Trace 549. Preparing a Task to Go to Production 549 17. Upgrading SAP Business Workflow 555. First Steps to Upgrading Workflow 555.

Steps to Take Before the Upgrade Begins 557. Complete All Running Workflow Instances 557. Create Workflow Test Plans 557. WF and T Tasks Versus WS and TS Tasks 557. Clean Runtime Tables 558. Steps to Take During and After the Upgrade 559. Conversion of Event Linkage Tables 559.

Basis Support Package 559. Configure Your System for Workflow 559. Workflow Definition and Binding 559. Tables SWWCONTOB and SWWCONT 560.

Changed Locking Behavior of Runtime 561. Other Issues After the Upgrade 563. Important SAP Notes 563 18. User Interface Options 567. Inbox and the User Interface 568.

Containers, Bindings, and Data Flow 570. Where the Customized UI Fits in with the Data Flow When Using Universal Worklist 570. Common Steps When Using Web Dynpro and Business Server Pages with Universal Worklist 572 19. Using Web Dynpro ABAP 575. Example Based on User Decision 576. Standard User Decision 576. User Decision with Note in Universal Worklist 577.

User Decision with Web Dynpro ABAP 580. Required Settings in Web Dynpro ABAP 583. Web Dynpro ABAP Application 583. Main View 587. Configuration for the Universal Worklist 590. Ensuring the User Only Executes the Work Item in the Universal Worklist 592 20. Using Web Dynpro Java 593.

Real-World Example of Web Dynpro Java and Workflow 593. What Must Be Done on the Workflow Side 595. What Must Be Done on the Java Side 603. Presentation Layer 603. Model Layer 605. What Must Be Done in the Universal Worklist 608 21.

Using Business Server Pages 613. Building the Example BSP and Workflow 613. Laying the Groundwork 613. Setting Up the Web Service Handler 621. Launching the BSP and Transferring Data 622. Defining the Workflow Service and Creating a Task 622.

Creating a Test Workflow 624. Launching a BSP Application from the Business Workplace 625. Launching a BSP Application from Another Web Application 626. Launching a BSP Application from the Universal Worklist 626. Completing Workflow Tasks from BSP Applications 629 22.

Using Forms 637. SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe 637. SAP Business Workflow Forms 638. Simple Forms Creation 638.

Document Templates 641 23. Alloy — Lotus Notes Integration 645. The Design Paradigm 646.

Mail Inbox 647. Decision Views 648.

Calendar Items 650. Prerequisites for Alloy 652. Generic Workflow Capabilities 653. Adding New Decisions to Alloy 653. Adding New Decision Steps 655. Design a New User Interface for the Decision 656.

Add Additional Data from the SAP Context 658. Adding a Dialog Task 659. Sidebar Enhancements 659. Standard Alloy Decisions 660 24. Duet — Microsoft Office Integration 661.

Design Time Layout 663. How an Approval Workflow Application Works in Duet 666. Prerequisites to Use the Duet Workflow Approval Template 669. Creating Your Approval Workflow Application 670. Adding New Decisions to Duet 672. Design a New User Interface for the Decision 674.

Add Additional Data from the SAP Context 675. Adding a Dialog Task 675.

Sidebar Enhancements 676 25. SAP Supplier Relationship Management 679. Approval Processes 681.

Simple Approval Processes 682. Complex Approval Processes 682. Key Concepts and Requirements That Make Up the Foundation of SAP SRM Approval Processing 683. SAP SRM Approval Frameworks 688. Process-Controlled Workflow in Detail 690. Technical Background 693. Basic Assumptions for Document Processing 694.

Configuration of Approval Levels 694. Business Rules Framework 697.

Agent Determination 698. Approval Process Overview: User-Focused Process Visualization 701.

Real-World Example of a Process-Controlled Workflow 704. Simplest Scenario, Execute Without Approval 705.

Configuring Two-Step Approval 706. Details on BRF Integration 707. Application-Controlled Workflow in Detail 710.

One-/Two-Step Approval 710. N-step BAdI 711. SAP-Provided BAdIs and Workflow Templates 712.

Line Item Based BAdI 713. Approvers Changing Documents in Application-Controlled Workflow 713. Configuring Approval Processes 714. Agent Determination 716.

Ad-hoc Agent Assignment 717. Implementing Dynamic Processes 719. Tracking Workflow Instances 724. Real-World Example of Application-Controlled Workflow 724. Without Approval 724. Two-Step Approval 725.

Offline Functionality 727. Outbound Processing 727. Offline Approval by the Recipient 728.

Inbound Processing 728. Deadline Monitoring 728. Recommendations When Getting Started 729.

Upgrading a System 730. Archiving 732. New Installation 732 26. SAP Customer Relationship Management 735.

Introduction 736. One Order Concept 737. Business Transaction and SAP CRM Business Objects 739. Transaction History 741. SAP CRM UI Framework 742.

Portal Integration 745. Customizing and Workflow Administration 745. Workflow Customizing 745. Workflow Administration 745. Integrating Your Own Workflows 746. Status Management 746. Agent Determination 747.

SAP CRM Worklist 749. Basics About the Workflow Inbox 751.

Dynamic Navigation and the Workflow Inbox 751. Navigational Customizing of the Workflow Inbox 753. Specifics of Dialog Tasks Based on Workflow ABAP Classes 755. Additional Customizing and Personalization 756. SAP ERP Integration 757.

Universal Worklist Integration 759. Administrative Standard Workflows 760. SAP CRM Standard Workflows 760. Marketing: Campaign Automation 761. Sales — Lead to Opportunity 762.

Sample Implementation of a Customer Workflow in SAP CRM 764. Scenario and Requirements for the Custom Workflow 765. Implementing the Workflow 765. Creating a BOL Model for Your SAP CRM Workflows 768.

Implementation of the Workflow Application 771. Setting Up Dynamic Navigation 779. Action to Automatically Set the Status 'Accepted by Sales' 782.

General Settings for Follow-Up Process 786. Executing the Workflow 788.

Optional Enhancement 790 27. SAP ERP Human Capital Management —Processes and Forms 793. Business Overview 794. SAP ERP HCM Processes 794.

Form Submission 796. Form Approval 798. Process Form (Revision or Completion) 799.

Tracking Forms 801. Other Features 801. Limitations 802. Technical Overview of HCM Processes and Forms 802. Adobe Document Services 803. Business Function Set 804. SAP ERP HCM Processes and Forms Design Time 804.

Adobe LiveCycle Designer 805. Adobe Reader 807.

Workflow Template 807. SAP Case Management 808. Web Dynpro ABAP Applications 809.

Standard Workflows in HCM Processes and Forms 809. Workflow Techniques 811. Calling Web-Based SAP Applications Using Transaction SWFVISU 811.

Program Exits 814. XML File for Universal Worklist Configuration 815. Creating Your Own Workflows 816.

Interactive Components 817. Background Components 819. Troubleshooting 820.

Universal Worklist Configuration 820. Subviews 821. Buttons (Actions) 823 28.

Setting Up an SAP-Provided SAP ERP Workflow 825. How Can You Find Workflows Delivered by SAP 826. Using SAP Help Portal to Find SAP Documented Workflows 826. Finding Workflows Within Workflow Builder 827. Technical Workflows 828. What Is the Business Scenario 828.

Which SAP Workflows Are Involved 829. How Is the Workflow Started 830. How Do I Activate This Scenario 831.

Commonly Used SAP ERP Workflows 833 29. ArchiveLink 835. What Is ArchiveLink? The Technical View of ArchiveLink 836. The Business View of ArchiveLink 837. ArchiveLink Standard Scenarios 838.

How SAP Business Workflow Integrates ArchiveLink 839. Business Object Types 842 A.

Tips and Tricks 845. Working with Wizards 845. Working with Email 847.

The Send Mail Step 847. Working with Attachments 850. Determining Recipients Via Rule Resolution 851. Customizing Considerations 852. Showing the Decision Maker in a Follow-On Step 853.

Creating Your Own User Decision Template 854. Using Secondary, Before, and After Methods 855. Secondary Methods 855. Before and After Methods 856. Looping Through a Multiline List 857. Creating Object References Dynamically 858. Deadlines Based on the Factory Calendar 859.

Creating the Deadline Object 859. Using the Deadline Object in Your Workflow 862. Making the Most of Modeled Deadlines 863.

Taking Alternative Action 863. Modeled Deadlines for (Repeated) Notifications 864. Ad-Hoc Anchor Step 864. Review Workflows 865 B. Step-by-Step Troubleshooting Guide 867.

A Workflow That Does Not Start 867. Did It Really Fail to Start 867.

Is the Triggering Event Set Up Correctly 868. Check the RFC Queue to See if the Event Raising Has Aborted Midway 868. Check the Consistency of the Workflow Definition 870.

Simulate the Event 870. What Is Preventing the Workflow from Starting 871. A Workflow That Stops in Mid-Track 872. The Most Likely Causes (and How to Avoid Them) 873. Background Work Items Aborting in the Middle 873. Business Object Does Not Exist 874.

Inconsistent Definition 876. Workflow Step Must Be Confirmed Manually 877.

Condition Set Up Incorrectly 877. Binding Problems with the Workflow Trace 877. Why Duplicate or Multiple Workflows Are Triggered 878. Why an Agent Does Not Receive a Work Item 879. Check That the Agent Is Assigned to the Work Item 880. Check That the Agent Is Assigned to the Task 880.

Check That the Agent Has Not Been Excluded from This Work Item 881. Check That the Agent Determination Rule Has Selected an Agent 881. Why the Wrong Agent Receives the Work Item 881. Why the Work Item Follows the Wrong Route 882 C. The Administrator’s First Aid Guide 883. Resolving Work Item Errors 883.

Preventing Work Item Problems from Reoccurring 886. Support Tools for Work Item Problems 887. Resolving Workflow Instance Errors 888. Fixing Workflow Instances in Error 889. Preventing Workflow Instance Problems from Reoccurring 889. Support Tools for Workflow Instance Errors 890.

Finding Workflows That Appear to Have Disappeared 891. Resolving Event Linkage Errors 892. Fixing Workflows That Didn’t Start 893.

Preventing Error Linkage Problems from Reoccurring 895. Support Tools for Event Linkage Problems 895 D. Workflow Macros 897.

Macros Specific to Object Type Programs 897. Macros for General Workflow Programming 898. Macros to Process a Container as a Whole 898. Runtime Versus Persistent Containers 899. Macros to Process Elements from the Container 899.

Macros for Processing Object References.

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Поддержка коммерческого и открытого ПО БЕЗОПАСНОСТЬ ЦЕЛЕСООБРАЗНОСТЬ. Copyright © 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates.

All rights reserved. Стоимость владения – сравнительный анализ. Copyright © 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Лицензирование виртуальных машин Oracle X86-сервер 16 ядер 1 vServer 4 vCPU нужно 8 лицензий кластер 2 сервера x86 по 16 ядер 1 vServer 4 vCPU нужно 16 лицензий SPARC-сервер 32 ядра 1 vServer 4 vCPU нужно 2 лицензии VM VM VM. Copyright © 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Поддержка коммерческого и свободного ПО.На SPARC и Solaris работают все основные приложения: – Коммерческие. СУБД (в т.ч. DB2, Sybase, Progress, Informix). Бизнес-приложения (Adobe, Cognos, Filenet, Maximo, Rational, Informatica, Pivotal, и т.д.). ERP (SAP, PeopleSoft, JD Edwards), и т.д. – Open-source. СУБД (PostgreSQL, MySQL, MemcacheDB) и др.

Серверы приложений (Tomcat). Web-серверы (Apache, Ngnix), и т.д. – Любые приложения, использующие Java (БД NoSQL, Cassandra, CouchDB, Voldermort, Hbase, и др.) Актуальный список сертифицированных на Solaris 11 коммерческих приложений. Copyright © 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Серверы SPARC T7 и M7 T7-1 T7-2 T7-4 M7-8 M7-16 Процессоры 1 2 2 или 4 До 8 До 16 Max кол-во ядер 32 64 128 256 512 Кол-во потоков 256 512 1,024 2,048 4,096 Объем памяти 1 TБ 2 TБ 4 TБ 8 TБ 16 TБ Форм фактор 2U 3U 5U Шкаф / 10U Шкаф Виртуализация LDOMs LDOMs LDOMs LDOMs, PDOMs 1 LDOMs, PDOMs 2. Copyright © 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. (1) При использовании модулей 64 GB DIMMs.

Серверы SPARC S7 SPARC S7-2 SPARC S7-2L Процессоры 1 или 2 2 Max кол-во ядер/потоков 16 / 128 16 / 128 Max объем памяти1 1 TБ 1 TБ Форм фактор 1U 2U Max кол-во дисков 8 26 Кол-во PCIe слотов 3 6 Интегрированный Ethernet 4x 10GBase-T 4x 10GBase-T. Copyright © 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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Программно-аппаратные комплексы Oracle. Copyright © 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Oracle Engineered Systems.

Copyright © 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Oracle Database Appliance. Снижение капитальных затрат – CoD лицензия позволяет наращивать ресурсы по мере роста. Уменьшение эксплуатационных расходов – Меньше дорогих высококвалифицированных ресурсов для поддержки и администрирования. Высокий уровень доступности –Встроенные технологии высокой доступности –Использование технологий “Best Practice” Комплексное, Простое, Надежное, Доступное решение для работы СУБД Oracle.

Copyright © 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Exadata Vision Лучшая платформа для любых нагрузок баз данных. Ideal Database Hardware - Scale-out, database optimized compute, networking, and storage for fastest performance and lowest costs. Smart System Software – specialized algorithms vastly improve all aspects of database processing: OLTP, Analytics, Consolidation.

Full-Stack Integration – Database-to-disk optimization, automation, testing, patching, and support to reduce operational costs Одна платформа для On-Premises и Oracle Public Cloud Exadata Cloud Service. Copyright © 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Идеальная архитектура для баз данных Most Advanced - Highest Performance - Always Available - Starts Small, Scales Huge Серверная архитектура Самые соверменные CPU Идеальная СХД Наращиваемые серверы + разделение нагрузки БД Сетевая архитектура Ультра-быстрый InfiniBand Flash архитектура NVMe PCIe Flash PCI Flash Идеальная емкость СХД PCIe Flash и емкие 8TB SAS3. Copyright © 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates.